Public Holidays in Slovenia
Below you can see a full list of work-free public holidays in the Republic of Slovenia. There are names of holidays in Slovenian with English translation. Note that all public holidays are written lowercase in Slovenian, except those which derive from the personal names (Prešernov, Marijino). Also, months and days of the week are written lowercase in Slovenian, compared to capital letters in English.
Prazniki v Sloveniji (Public holidays in Slovenia):
novo leto (January 1 and 2) – New Year
Prešernov dan (February 8) – Prešeren Day, the Slovenian Cultural Holiday
velika noč (between March and April) – Easter
dan upora proti okupatorju (April 27) – Day of Uprising Against Occupation
praznik dela (May 1 and 2) – Labor Day
dan državnosti (June 25) – Statehood Day
Marijino vnebovzetje (August 15) – Assumption Day
dan reformacije (October 31) – Reformation Day
dan spomina na mrtve or dan mrtvih (November 1) – Remembrance Day (All Saints’ Day)
božič (December 25) – Christmas
dan samostojnosti in enotnosti (December 26) – Independence and Unity Day
Slovenians also celebrate some other holidays which are not work-free days:
pust (usually February) – Mardi Gras, Carnival
valentinovo (February 14) – Valentine’s Day
dan žena (March 8) – International Women’s Day
materinski dan (March 25) – Mother’s Day
martinovo (November 11) – St. Martin’s Day
miklavž (December 6) – St. Nicholas Day
We write the dates with the ordinal numbers. Let’s take May 1 as an example. We write it as 1. maj (prvi maj – the first of May). Ordinal numbers written as numbers always require a dot!