What are the synonyms for the word ‘idea’ in Slovenian?
As with every other language, Slovenian often has more than one way of expressing the same thing – the synonyms (sopomenke). So, the word idea can be ideja, zamisel or domislica in Slovenian, and all the three words can be used interchangeably; however, the first one, ideja, is the most commonly used, whereas domislica is heard very rarely. You will notice that many Slovenian words which have synonyms are similar to English ones. The following words, for example, are easy to recognize even for non-Slovenian speakers: atmosfera, center, insekt, original, dialekt, and so on.
Synonyms are words of the same part of speech (verbs, nouns, adjectives and adverbs), and below, there are a few examples of Slovenian synonyms for a host of English words.
advertisement | reklama, oglas |
atmosphere | atmosfera, ozračje |
bird | ptica, ptič |
building | stavba, zgradba |
capital | glavno mesto, prestolnica |
car | avto, avtomobil |
centre | center, središče |
contact | stik, kontakt |
continent | celina, kontinent |
dialect | dialekt, narečje |
envelope | ovojnica, kuverta |
flower | roža, cvetlica |
genre | žanr, zvrst |
girl | punca, dekle |
hairstyle | pričeska, frizura |
husband | mož, soprog |
idea | ideja, zamisel, domislica |
information | podatek, informacija |
insect | žuželka, insekt, mrčes |
inspiration | navdih, inspiracija |
joke | šala, vic |
joy | radost, veselje |
lawyer | odvetnik, advokat |
moon | luna, mesec |
necklace | ogrlica, verižica |
news | novica, vest |
original | izvirnik, original |
Pacific | Pacifik, Tihi ocean |
plane | letalo, avion |
pressure | tlak, pritisk |
shine | lesk, sijaj |
soil | zemlja, prst |
structure | struktura, zgradba |
talent | talent, dar |
team | ekipa, moštvo |
text | besedilo, tekst |
theatre | teater, gledališče |
thing | stvar, reč |
trap | past, zanka |
trick | zvijača, ukana, trik |
wife | žena, soproga |
naked | gol, nag |
nervous | živčen, nervozen |
private | privaten, zaseben |
selfish | sebičen, egoističen |
smart, intelligent | pameten, bister, inteligenten |
spicy | pikanten, pekoč |
violet | vijoličen, vijoličast |
* the masculine form of the adjective
always | vedno, zmeraj |
at the same time | hkrati, obenem |
great | sijajno, odlično, krasno, čudovito, super |
here | tu, tukaj |
just (now) | pravkar, ravnokar |
last year | lani, lansko leto, prejšnje leto |
later | pozneje, kasneje |
many times | dostikrat, velikokrat, mnogokrat |
never | nikoli, nikdar |
next time | naslednjič, prihodnjič, drugič |
next year | naslednje/prihodnje/drugo leto |
now | zdaj, sedaj |
tonight | nocoj, danes zvečer |
usually | običajno, ponavadi |
to control | nadzirati, nadzorovati, kontrolirati |
to drive, to ride | voziti se, peljati se |
to teach | učiti, poučevati |
Example sentences
- Naš avto/avtomobil je nov. – Our car is new.
- Pogosto se vozim/peljem s kolesom. – I often ride a bicycle.
- Imam zanimivo idejo/zamisel. – I have an interesting idea.
- Lani/Lansko leto smo bili v Aziji. – We were in Asia last year.
- Nocoj/Danes zvečer gremo na koncert. – We are going to the concert tonight.
- Simon uči/poučuje matematiko. – Simon teaches mathematics.
Hungry for more Slovenian synonyms? Check them out here.