Learn Slovene with the help of Slovenian music
I recently found out that learning a foreign language with the help of music can be really effective. To aid you on your quest to learn Slovene, I would like to present to you some of our Slovenian musicians and particular songs which can help you to learn and develop your ear for the language a little bit more. I have used, and am using, this method to learn French, Italian, Portuguese and English.
Recommended Artists to help learn Slovene
Miran Rudan
Miran’s musical style is pop. He has great voice and sings clearly and most of his songs are romantically themed. Miran started to practice music at primary school. He was a member of the groups, Pop Design, Moulin Rouge and Randez Vous and now follows a solo career.
I gathered, what are in my opinion, some of his the most beautiful songs:
- Na nebo (On the sky)—Video—Lyrics
- Naj vino tvoj poljub slavi (Let the wine hail your kiss)—Video—Lyrics
- Zaradi nje (Because of her)—Video—Lyrics
- Laure ni več (Laura is no longer here)—Video—Lyrics
The last one ‘Laure ni več’ is a cover song from ‘Laura non c’è’ of Italian singer Nek.
Sound Attack
The group was found by Simon Šurev and Pika Božič in 1997. Their music style is mostly dance and house. Pika Božič is focusing on her solo career now.
Some of their hits:
- Ko te ni (When you aren’t here)—Video—Lyrics
- Vrni mi ljubezen (Love me back)—Video
- Kje si zdaj (Where are you now)—Video—Lyrics
- Le tebe še hočem (You are all I want)—Video
Rebeka Dremelj
Rebeka is a Slovenian pop/rock singer and Miss Slovenia 2001. She performed in Eurovision song contest in Belgrade 2008, with the song ‘Vrag naj vzame’. She is one of the most popular Slovenian music artists.
- Vrag naj vzame (To hell with it)—Video—Lyrics are embedded in the video.
- Pod mojo kožo (Under my skin)—Video—Lyrics
- Pojdi z menoj (Come with me)—Video—Lyrics
Kingston is a Slovenian music group, founded in 1994. Their songs can be classified as pop, reggae and latino music.
List of songs:
- Cela ulica nori (The whole street is tottaly wild)—Video—Lyrics
- Ko sije luna na obalo (When the moon shines to the coast)—Video—Lyrics are embedded in the video.
- Tropicana club—Video—Lyrics
- Ko bo padal dež (When the rain will be falling)—Video—Lyrics
Pepel in kri (literally Ashes and blood)
Pepel in kri were a Slovenian vocal/instrumental group in 70’s. They performed in Eurovision song contest in 1975, for Yugoslavia, with an Evergreen song, ‘Dan ljubezni’. They are one of the most unforgettable Slovenian Evergreen groups.
Bele vrane (literally White crows)
Bele vrane were also a vocal/instrumental group which were active in 60’s and 70’s. Their songs are still popular. In fact, a recent remix exists of their song ‘Maček v žaklju’.
- Maček v žaklju (A pig in a poke, literally ‘A cat in a sack’)—Video—Lyrics
- Mala terasa (A small terrace)—Video—Lyrics are embedded in the video.
Marjana Deržaj
Marjana was a Slovenian pop music singer. She was active in 60s and died in 2005. Her the most recognisable songs are Poletna noč, Zemlja pleše, V Ljubljano.
- Poletna noč (A summer night)—Video—Lyrics
- Zemlja pleše ( The Earth dances)—Video—Lyrics
- V Ljubljano ( To Ljubljana)—Video—Lyrics
Here are two other Wikipedia resources related to Slovenian music:
[…] you learn Slovenian, watching movies can be a fun way to do so, or listening to Slovenian music. All of the following films are available in the Slovenian libraries with English and Slovenian […]