Slovenian Words Ending in -L
The final L in some Slovenian words in the nominative can be pronounced as U or L. This can be tough to guess for someone who is learning the language, so I will give a few tips when to pronounce the final L as L or as U.
The words where we always pronounce L as U at the end:
- masculine participles ending in -L in singular: delal [delau̯], šel [šeu̯], živel [živeu̯] …
- some masculine adjectives ending in -L: vesel [veseu̯], bel [beu̯], debel [debeu̯], topel [topəu̯], mrzel [mrzəu̯], svetel [svetəu̯], cel [ceu̯], votel [votəu̯], gnil [gniu̯], zrel [zreu̯], gol [gou̯]
L pronounced as U:
- žal [žau̯] – unfortunately
- žival [živau̯] – animal, F
- stol [stou̯] – chair
- sol [sou̯] – salt, F
- fižol [fižou̯] – bean
- piščal [piščau̯] – whistle, F
- del (telesa, hiše …) [deu̯] – part of the body, house…
- pekel [pekəu̯] – hell
- misel [misəu̯] – thought, F
- zmrzal [zmrzau̯] – frost, F
- vogal [vogau̯] – corner
- vol [vou̯] – ox
- orel [orəu̯] – eagle
- osel [osəu̯] – donkey
- plevel [pleveu̯] – weed
- pepel [pepeu̯] – ash
- posel [posəu̯] – business
- smisel [smisəu̯] – meaning, sense
- pol (pice, torte, kilograma, litra …) [pou̯] – half a pizza, cake, kilogram, liter… (Half of something!)
L pronounced as L:
- šal [šal] – scarf
- val – wave
- predal – drawer
- kopel – bath, F
- pokal – cup
- pomol – pier
- spol – gender, sex
- sokol – falcon
- glagol – verb
- glavobol – headache
- zobobol – toothache
- words of foreign origin: hotel, model, gel, portal, angel, kanal – canal, channel, tunel – tunnel, gol – goal (sport), alkohol – alcohol, skalpel – scalpel, kristal – crystal, simbol – symbol
- pol (treh, petih, sedmih …) – half past two, four, six… (When expressing time!)
ə = semivowel, F = feminine
When we change the ending of the noun in different cases we pronounce the letter L in any case.
Žival: Nimam domače živali [živali]. – I don’t have a pet.
Sol: Brez soli [soli] hrana nima okusa. – The food has no taste without salt.
Fižol: Ne maram fižola [fižola]. – I don’t like beans.
Dear Valentina,
Is there a name of this phenomenon when Slovenes pronounce L as and U? Like a grammatical name.
All the best, Stian
Dear Stian,
Thanks for the question. No special name for it.
Best regards