Typographic differences between Slovenian and English
The Slovenian and English languages have their typographic differences.
Lowercase dates
In Slovenian, days and months start with lowercase letters, as opposed to capitals in English.
Day | English Translation |
ponedeljek | Monday |
torek | Tuesday |
sreda | Wednesday |
četrtek | Thursday |
petek | Friday |
sobota | Saturday |
nedelja | Sunday |
Month | English Translation |
januar | January |
februar | February |
marec | March |
april | April |
maj | May |
junij | June |
julij | July |
avgust | August |
september | September |
oktober | October |
november | November |
december | December |
Ordinal Numbers
In contrast to the English suffixes, ordinal numbers in Slovenian are noted by a number, followed by a dot.
Ordinal Number | Slovenian | English Translation |
1. | prvi | 1st |
2. | drugi | 2nd |
3. | tretji | 3rd |
4. | četrti | 4th |
5. | peti | 5th |
6. | šesti | 6th |
7. | sedmi | 7th |
8. | osmi | 8th |
9. | deveti | 9th |
10. | deseti | 10th |
Currency and prices
Slovenia has used the Euro since January 1st 2007. Prices are usually listed with ‘EUR’ and a space, in front of the numerical value, with cents separated by a comma. In Ireland and the UK, the Euro symbol comes before the numerical value, and cents are separated by a dot.
Slovenian Price | Ireland and UK Price |
EUR 15,95 | €15.95 |
Postal Addresses
Addresses are also formatted different than in the UK and Ireland, in that the address number comes after the street name.
Slovenian Address | Irish/UK Address |
Moj naslov je Slovenska ulica 5 | My address is 5 Slovenska street |
If you know of any other differences, let us know and we’ll add them to our list.
The examples used are excerpts from the Dates and Numbers lessons in our Slovenian e-book.